miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

Treaty between the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis and the Kingdom of Buenos Aires

Treaty between the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis and the Kingdom of Buenos Aires

This is an treaty between the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis and the Kingdom of Buenos Aires. This treaty is signed by: The Grand Duke of Flandrensis, The Prime Minister of Flandrensis , The King of Buenos Aires and the Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Buenos Aires.

Article I The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis recognise the Kingdom of Buenos Aires.

Article II The Kingdom of Buenos Aires recognise the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis.

Article III Respect and acceptance of the land and claims of each nation, acceptance of government and constitution, and for the government of each nation to accept the others currency.

For The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis
Grand Duke Niels Vermeersch

Prime Minister Hein Vermeersch

For the Kingdom of Buenos Aires
King Carolus I
Secretary of State Celedonio Tejedor

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